How to Make Your Roof Last Longer with Better Air Flow

If you own a house, you want to keep it safe and sound, including the roof. When your roof gets damaged, it can cause big problems for your home and your family. That’s why it’s important to take care of it. We want to share some tips on how to do that by improving the airflow.

What is Roof Ventilation?

Roof ventilation means having a system that lets air move in and out of your roof. This helps to keep the air inside your home comfortable. Without good ventilation, hot air can get stuck in your home, causing all kinds of issues.

Two main types of ventilation

Natural Ventilation: This works by letting hot air rise in your home and escape through vents. When hot air goes out, cooler air comes in. You can also get natural ventilation through windows, doors, and other openings in your home.

Mechanical Ventilation: Sometimes, you need a little extra help to get good airflow. Mechanical ventilation uses machines to move air in and out. This is useful if your roof doesn’t have good natural airflow or if your home is in a place where there isn’t much wind.

Why Does Ventilation Matter?

Having good roof ventilation is essential to keeping your home in good shape. If you don’t have proper ventilation, warm air can get trapped inside your home, causing problems like:

Ice Dams: These are big icicles that form when snow melts and then freezes again at the edges. Ice dams are a sign that it isn’t getting enough ventilation, and they can lead to more serious problems.

Overworked A/C: In hot weather, when hot air stays inside, your air conditioner has to work extra hard to cool your home. This can make your A/C wear out faster.

Uneven Temperatures: If some parts of your home are much hotter or colder than others, it’s a sign that your heating, cooling, and ventilation systems aren’t working well together.

roof-2-1-300x200.jpgLeaks, Mold, and Mildew: If you ignore poor roof ventilation, it can lead to water damage. This can cause leaks, and if left untreated, it can lead to mold, mildew, and more serious issues.

Unwanted Pests: Ventilation problems can damage your roof, gutters, or siding, creating openings for pests to enter your home. Insects or animals like squirrels and rodents can find their way in, indicating an issue with this part of your home.

How to Improve Ventilation

If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to make changes to improve your ventilation. Roofers in Ft. Worth, TX can help with vent installation, especially when replacing your roof. Here are two main types of ventilation systems:

Exhaust Vents: These vents let hot air escape from your home. They include ridge vents, wind turbines, box vents, and power attic ventilators.

Intake Vents: These vents allow cool air to enter your attic. Edge vents are often installed under soffits or near gutters, and they’re important for keeping your attic cool.

Why Good Ventilation Matters

Improving your ventilation can lead to several benefits:

  • Energy Savings: Proper ventilation can lower your energy bills because your heating and cooling systems won’t have to work as hard.
  • Healthier and More Comfortable Home: Good ventilation can prevent mold and mildew growth, keeping your home healthier and more comfortable.
  • Longer Lifespan: Poor ventilation can cause damage and make it wear out faster. It can cause issues like overheating shingles, ice dams, and moisture buildup, which can lead to rot and reduced capacity.

If you need help with ventilation, reach out to Restoration Roofing TX who can guide you in selecting the right system for your home.

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Restoration Roofing TX
Keller, TX 76248

Fort Worth, TX

Serving: Fort WorthKeller TexasArlington TexasDenton CountyTarrant County

What To Do If You Suspect Hail Damage to Your Roof

Hailstorms can wreak havoc on your home, affecting not only your roof but also your siding and gutters. Given that your roofing is your home’s primary defense, addressing any post-hailstorm damage or concerns promptly is crucial. Hail damage repairs can range from as low as $20 to potentially thousands of dollars for more extensive damage.

Here’s a step-by-step plan to help you repair hail damage to your roof and ensure its safety:

Assess the Severity of the Hailstorm

Understanding the severity of the hailstorm is the first step in gauging potential damage. Hailstones can vary greatly in size, from dime-sized (less than 1/2 inch) to several inches in diameter, with occasional larger ones. When accompanied by strong winds, these hailstorms can inflict substantial damage.

Larger hailstones tend to cause more significant damage. Hailstones smaller than half an inch might result in minor damage, such as small cracks or missing shingle pieces. However, when hailstones exceed one inch and are accompanied by strong winds, they can lead to severe damage.

You can also stay informed about local weather conditions through your weather channel, especially during or after a hailstorm. Even minor hailstorms warrant a swift roof inspection. For safety, remain indoors if hail is falling.

Perform a Visual Roof Inspection for Hail Damage

Conducting a visual inspection from the ground is an effective way to assess damage following a hailstorm. Look for signs of missing or loose shingles, discoloration, and exposed wood.

Tip: For a more thorough roof inspection in Fort Worth TX, consider using binoculars. If you have an attic on your property, inspect it for any signs of water leaks.

Hail damage can be challenging to spot from ground level, especially if you’re unsure what to look for. If you experienced hail larger than golf balls, it’s advisable to contact a professional company for a comprehensive inspection.

Examine Your Gutters, Flashing, and Metal Fascia

Metal components such as flashing, fascia, and gutters can provide valuable clues about hail damage on your property. Dents are more conspicuous on these materials, making it easier to identify signs of damage. Additionally, check screens and the vinyl or plastic glazing strip around window glass.

roof-2-300x210.jpgInspect your gutters for shingle granules, which can accumulate and lead to overflowing during rain—a potential indicator of damage. If your property has an outdoor AC unit, inspect it for damage to the fins, as well as spatter marks and other markings on the AC unit, electric panels, and fencing.

Inspect Your Siding for Hail Damage

Similar to the gutters, examine your siding for discoloration or dents as part of your inspection process. Vinyl siding, in particular, is susceptible to hail damage. This examination can help you gauge the extent of the damage and provide insights into the hailstorm’s severity. It may also indicate the need for a more thorough inspection by a professional roofing contractor in Fort Worth TX.

Request a Professional Inspection

If you suspect hail damage, especially significant damage, it’s prudent to enlist the services of a professional roofer. These experts possess specialized knowledge and skills to inspect various aspects, including the materials, chimney flashing, gutters, and flashing.

A professional roofing contractor will evaluate the extent of the damage and offer guidance on the necessary steps to take. Inspections are typically provided at no cost.

Vet Potential Roofing Contractors

When hailstorms affect your area, exercise caution to avoid scams. While most contractors are reputable, some may take advantage of storm-affected regions. These individuals, often referred to as “storm chasers,” may visit your home, offer free inspections, and perform subpar roof repairs before moving on before potential issues arise.

Scammers may also attempt to fraudulently obtain insurance proceeds. To safeguard against such risks, conduct thorough research before hiring any local roofers. Request quotes and references from at least three roofing companies before making your decision.

Notify Your Home Insurance Company

If you need to file an insurance claim for hail damage, it’s essential to notify your insurance company promptly. Many insurance providers require storm damage reports within six to twenty-four months of the event. Your insurance company will assess the roof damage and guide you through the claims process.

If you notice hail damage, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance for reliable repair services. Call Restoration Roofing TX right away.

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Restoration Roofing TX
Keller, TX 76248

Fort Worth, TX

Serving: Fort WorthKeller TexasArlington TexasDenton CountyTarrant County

How Does Weather Affect Your Roof

Your roof stands as the most visible shield for your home, safeguarding you, your family, and your belongings from diverse weather elements. It endures harsh weather conditions routinely, enduring significant wear and tear.

Weather wields a substantial influence on your roof system, determining the level of maintenance and attention needed to counter its effects. Specific factors pose greater risks in particular regions of the country compared to others: snow and ice in the north, storms and rain in the south, and heat and wind in the west. Understanding how weather interacts with your roofing system is crucial.

Effects of Weather on Your Roof


Although most people associate storms with roof damage, even ordinary weather can have detrimental effects. Sunlight itself can cause damage to roofing materials. Prolonged exposure to intense heat can lead to the expansion or cracking of certain roofing materials.

Even in favorable weather conditions, your roof may suffer damage. Regular roof inspections of your roof are essential to detect any signs of damage. If you live in a high-heat area or experience significant sun exposure, it’s advisable to have a professional roofing contractor inspect your roof every few months.


Among the most commonly acknowledged sources of roof damage is water. Water can infiltrate through small gaps, cracks, and openings, eventually finding its way into your home. Minor issues stemming from rain can escalate into major problems if not addressed promptly.

roof-2-1-300x200.jpgBy the time visible signs become apparent, the damage may have been ongoing for a while. Identifying and addressing rain-related roofing problems promptly can help minimize the extent of damage. Engaging a professional roofing contractor in Keller TX for routine inspections can effectively safeguard your roof against rain-induced damage.


Wind is a weather factor often underestimated in terms of its potential to cause home damage, unless it’s associated with severe storms or tornadoes. Even relatively strong winds from storms or gusty days can inflict harm on your roofing system. Roof tiles and panels can shift, gutters might detach, and branches may collide with the roof, damaging roofing materials.

Even sturdy structures like chimneys can sustain damage, posing risks to the entire roof system if they collapse. In areas prone to frequent storms and strong winds, extra precautions are necessary to ensure its strength and stability.


While snow can be enchanting in nature, dealing with it on roofing systems is less enjoyable. Snow poses a threat to roofs in Keller TX and can cause significant damage. Proper handling is crucial. Snow is essentially water, and if temperatures rise, it can melt and potentially harm the roofing system.

Accumulated snow and ice can exceed the roofing system’s weight-bearing capacity, leading to potential collapses. Opting for roofing materials and designs that minimize these risks is a proactive approach. Maintaining your roof’s condition during winter is essential to prevent snow-related damage.

You now possess a better understanding of how weather impacts your roofing system. Seeking professional guidance is essential; contact Restoration Roofing TX at your convenience for assistance.

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Restoration Roofing TX
Keller, TX 76248

Fort Worth, TX

Serving: Fort WorthKeller TexasArlington TexasDenton CountyTarrant County

Cracking the Roof Lifespan Code: How Long Until You Wave Goodbye?

Ever wondered how long your roof can brave the elements before it says, “I’m outta here”? The longevity of your roof is a big deal, impacting the value and endurance of your property.

If you’re pondering the right time for a roof replacement in Fort Worth TX, this dive into the factors influencing roof lifespan and the telltale signs of wear and tear will help you make a savvy decision.

The Roofing Recipe: Factors in Play

Material Magic: The kind of materials you’re rocking on your roof is a game-changer. Asphalt shingles? They clock in around 20 to 30 years. Metal roofs? They’re like the marathon runners of the roofing world, pushing 40 to 70 years.

Climate Chronicles: Mother Nature has her say. Extreme temperatures, furious winds, relentless rain, and that unrelenting sun can be tough on your roof. If you’re living in the battle zones of weather extremes, your roof might need a bit more TLC.

Craftsmanship Chronicles: A roof well-constructed is a roof well-protected. Shoddy workmanship can sneakily accelerate your roof’s retirement plans. Get a roofing contractor in Keller TX with a gold star for installation skills.

Maintenance Marvels: Like your body needs veggies and exercise, your roof needs regular love. Inspections, cleanup, and small repairs can give your roof extra innings. Neglect? That’s like skipping workouts and expecting to run a marathon.

When to Give the Nod to a New Roof

Age Takes Its Toll: Roofs, like all of us, get grumpier with age. As they edge past their prime, their resistance to damage dwindles, making them candidates for replacement.

roof-2-300x200.jpgThe Telltale Visuals: If your shingles are playing hide and seek, curling, or sporting cracks, they’re sending you distress signals. Saggy or rotten patches? Not a good sign. These roof issues can lead to leaks and water invasion – fix them fast.

Persistent Leaks: Your roof should handle water better than a duck. If leaks persist, even after repair attempts, your roof might be giving up. Structural damage and mold are unwanted plus ones to these leaks.

Cracking the Roof Lifespan Code:

The math of your roof’s lifespan involves material quality, installation finesse, maintenance diligence, and climate conditions. Mix them up, and you’ll find the secret formula. Regular professional roof inspections can spot issues early, and good attic ventilation is your roof’s BFF.

When the signs say “I’m tired,” calling in a roofing pro for an assessment is smart. Consider damage extent, repair costs, and remaining roof life. Putting off a roof replacement might cost you more in structural woes and wallet-aches down the road.

In the grand finale, the age and health of your roof dictate its fate. The more love you lavish on it, the longer it’ll stay by your side. But when it’s time to part ways, trust in the experts to usher in the new era. Remember, a well-loved roof protects more than just your house; it shelters your peace of mind.

Reach out to the professionals at Restoration Roofing TX for all your roof needs – from maintenance and repairs to that much-needed replacement. Your roof deserves the best, after all!

Call Restoration Roofing TX now and let us take care of all your roofing problems.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about roofing services.

Restoration Roofing TX
Keller, TX 76248

Fort Worth, TX

How Heat Affects Your Home’s Roof

Throughout the year, your roof faces various challenges and stresses, with the summer months posing a significant threat due to soaring temperatures, sometimes reaching triple digits! It’s crucial to understand how heat affects your roof and the potential consequences if left unaddressed.

The Damage Heat Can Cause

While we often associate weather-related roof damage with extreme elements like rain and snow, heat can also take a toll on your roof. As temperatures rise and fall, the materials in your roof and home expand and contract, leading to a phenomenon known as thermal shock. This rapid expansion and contraction can cause materials to lose their elasticity and develop cracks.

Additionally, the powerful UV rays from the sun can be damaging to roofing materials. Over time, these rays dry out the oils in your roofing materials, reducing their waterproofing properties. If left untreated, your roof may start to develop splits and cracks, leaving your home vulnerable to leaks, mold, and more severe structural damage.

Roof Damage in Different Regions

The impact of summer heat on your roof can vary depending on your location and climate. Different levels of humidity and average temperatures play a role in the issues that may arise.

In high-humidity regions, excess moisture can accumulate beneath roofing materials on hot and humid days, leading to wood rot, mold, and damage to the roof’s structural elements. On the other hand, regions with rapidly changing weather conditions, need to be cautious of thermal shock caused by frequent temperature fluctuations.

roof-2-300x200.jpgHow Heat Damages Different Roofing Materials

Roofs come in various materials, each with its unique characteristics and susceptibility to heat damage.

Asphalt Shingles: The most common roofing material, asphalt shingles, can crack and shrink under intense heat. The expansion of the joist due to heat can also cause damage to the flashing, leading to water leaks.

Clay and Concrete: These materials are relatively heat-resistant but can still become brittle and faded over time due to the sun’s exposure.

Metal: Metal roofs generally perform well in high temperatures, but poor installation can lead to “oil canning” or visible waviness in metal panels due to inadequate space for thermal expansion and contraction.

How Can I Keep My Roof From Getting Hot

Fortunately, there are ways to mitigate the impact of heat on your roof during the summer months:

Choose Reflective Roofing Materials: Opt for roofing materials like clay, concrete, or metal that reflect heat rather than absorb it. Lighter-colored roofs also tend to reflect more heat than darker-colored ones.

Consider Roof Color: The color of your roof can influence its heat absorption. Lighter-colored roofs reflect more sunlight, reducing heat retention.

Protect Your Roof

To safeguard your roof from heat damage and ensure its longevity, it’s essential to keep a close eye on its condition. As your roof ages, the risk of heat-related damage increases. Regular roof inspections by local and licensed professionals can help detect hidden issues caused by heat and ensure timely repairs.

Understanding how heat affects your home’s roof is crucial in maintaining its integrity and longevity. By recognizing the potential damage caused by heat and adopting proactive measures like choosing reflective roofing materials and regular inspections, you can protect your roof and keep your home safe and secure all year round.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Restoration Roofing TX for a comprehensive inspection and necessary repairs.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about roofing services.

Restoration Roofing TX
Keller, TX 76248

Fort Worth, TX

Serving: Fort WorthKeller TexasArlington TexasDenton CountyTarrant County

What You Need To Know About Your Roof As A New Homeowner

It’s stressful enough to buy a home, especially when it’s the first time. You probably learned a great deal about the homebuying process from your home inspector and real estate agent. You probably did not get roofing advice from your real estate agent or home inspector. As a new homeowner, here’s what you should know about your roof.

What To Know About The Roof Of Your New Home

Know your warranty

It is not until there is a problem that people think about warranties. In an emergency, this is a very important part of owning a home. Take the time to contact your insurance company and understand your home warranty.

Roof warranties are an investment, just like your house. But the benefits far outweigh the costs. The benefits include coverage for roof system components and defective roofing materials, as well as coverage against installation mistakes. The warranty will cover most roof damage, but not everything. Why not get all the help that you can as a new homeowner?

Keep your gutters clean

Cleaning gutters is something that most people overlook, but it’s an important part of maintaining your home. In your gutters, leaves, small branches, and other debris can become stuck and prevent rainwater runoff. Water damage can occur on the exterior and interior of your home. You will save money by cleaning your gutters and allowing rainwater to pass through.

Check your roofing materials

A roofing contractor should inspect your roof. Your home inspector might have checked the roof early on during the home-buying process for obvious signs of damage. However, it is unlikely that they checked for roof leaks or damaged flashing. It’s a good idea to hire a San Antonio roofing contractor.

roofing contractor can provide a detailed inspection that will help you determine the health of your roof. Many roofing companies will provide a free inspection of your roof. Do some research to find a local company that can do this.

When to replace your roof

Roofs have an average lifespan of 15-30 years. You won’t need to replace your roof anytime soon if you purchased a brand-new home. However, if you own an older house, it is important to know what to look for in order to prevent further damage.

You should hire a roofing contractor in Fort Worth TX to help you with your roof, but as a first-time homeowner, there are some obvious signs that you need to be aware of. The presence of curled, missing, or cracked shingles and moss on your roof are all signs that you should address immediately.

Roof maintenance is important

You can treat your roof in the same way you would any other aspect of your home, such as plumbing or HVAC. Schedule regular roof inspections if you can. You’ll save money over time.

Book a roof inspection

Roof problems can occur both during and outside of the severe weather season. Roofs should be inspected regularly by both new and experienced homeowners.

It is the perfect time to have your roof inspected and maintained. Contact Restoration Roofing TX now.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about roofing services.

Restoration Roofing TX
Keller, TX 76248

Fort Worth, TX

Serving: Fort WorthKeller TexasArlington TexasDenton CountyTarrant County

What To Look For When Checking Your Roof

Waiting until there is a leak in the home to check your roof is a common mistake. Why look for problems? Avoiding roof maintenance can cost you more in the end.

Roof maintenance is recommended every spring and fall, and after major storms that may damage the roof. You may need to hire a roof inspection service to prevent personal injury, depending on your roof type and access.

Roof Styles

You might expect that different styles and materials will be popular in various areas due to architectural tastes and weather patterns. The most popular styles include:

1. Gable Roofs

The triangular gable roofs are easy to construct, they shed snow and water, and provide extra space in the attic or vaulted ceilings. They are less common, however, in areas prone to hurricanes or with high winds. This is because they are not as wind resistant as other roof shapes.

2. Hip Roofs

Hip roofs are sloped on all four sides and then meet at the top to form a ridge. The added strength is great for high winds and the snow can easily slide off. These roofs have extra seams, which can lead to more water leaks.

3. Mansard Roofs

The mansard roof has four sides, with double slopes on each side. These slopes meet and form a low-pitched roof. This roof style has the advantage that it can be used to create additional living space on upper levels or in future additions. The low-pitched section is not suitable for areas that receive a lot of snow.

4. Roofs for Barns or Gambrels

The barn roof or gambrel is similar to the mansard but only has two sides. They are often found on farmhouses, barns, and houses in the Georgian and Dutch Colonial styles. This roof shape allows for more space inside, but it is not ideal for areas that experience high winds or heavy winter snow.

5. Flat Roofs

People are adding solar panels, roof decks, green roofs, or gardens to flat roofs. They can also be seen in many commercial buildings. Flat roofs tend to leak more and are less common in areas that receive a lot of rain or snow.

Roof Materials

Roof materials are different in each region.

1. Northeast

Asphalt shingles are very common in the Northeast. They are light, flexible, and resilient. They can also insulate and support your home well.

2. Southeast and Northwest

Metal roofs are ideal for rainy climates, as they don’t get affected by the moisture and humidity which can lead to mold. Metal roofs can also shield your home from a tropical storm, hurricane or other severe weather.

Roofs made of slate tiles are very durable and can withstand heavy snowfall.

3. Great Plains

Wood shingles are a great way to insulate your attic while still allowing air to circulate. Natural products, provide a rustic appearance that compliments bungalows, Craftsmen, Tudor, and Cape Cod-style homes.

Clay tiles are durable and energy efficient. These tiles are also good for air circulation and provide natural insulation. These tiles are suitable for Spanish, Mission, and Mediterranean-style buildings and can resist harsh sunlight and heavy rain.

Roof-Fort-Worth-TX-2-1-300x200.jpgMaintenance of Your Roof

All homeowners should regularly blow, sweep or wash off debris from their roofs. The accumulation of leaves, sticks, and trash on your roof may cause various problems. It can cause algae to grow on your roof, damaged shingles, or clog gutters. Trim tree branches from your roof in order to reduce the risk of branches damaging your roof during a storm or animals entering your home.

Watch out for too many snow accumulations on your roof if you live in a snowy area. Buy a roof scraper and remove some snow from your roof to avoid a collapse.

Some roof types require specific tasks:

Metal Roof

Use a wire bristle brush to remove rust. Prime and paint any rusted areas. It is important to keep your gutters clear, especially if you have a metal roof. The roof needs to be allowed to dry out after rain or snow.

Asphalt Roof

Repair or replace damaged or loose shingles as soon as possible. Check to make sure that tree branches don’t scrape the roof. This could lead to additional wear on asphalt shingles. If you notice any shingles curling or buckling it could be time to replace them.

Slate Roof Tile

Each spring, schedule an inspection to check for any broken or slipping tiles.

Wood Roof

Use a garden shed to remove debris and look for mildew, moss, and mold. Scrape away any mold you may find. Clean with a mixture of one-quart bleach, one-ounce detergent, and three quarts of warm water.

Clay Tile Roof

It is important to inspect your clay tiles annually for any cracks or breaks. Instead of walking on top, use binoculars to inspect the roof and a ladder. It could be dangerous to walk on the roof and lead to more cracks. To avoid damaging the tiles, use a powerwasher with warm water mixed with mild dish soap.

If you feel uncomfortable with any of these, contact a roofer to assist.

roof-replacement-300x167.jpgChecking for damage and making repairs

You should also check the following:

Check the flashing that is used to seal your chimney with the roof. Check the mortar or caulk used to seal joints on your roof for any cracks or degradation that may allow water to enter your home, or cause moss and algae to grow. Remove debris and clean up the area if you see signs of deterioration.

When inspecting your roof, look for moss and algae. Install zinc or lead control strip if you find any. You can buy or make your own strips and place them between the shingles. This will prevent moss from growing.

Check your ceilings and attic for any dark spots, mold, or moisture. Next, try to pinpoint the exact location of the leak. You can check your attic for any light coming through the roof. It is much cheaper to have a professional roofing contractor in Fort Worth TX inspect your roof and make repairs than wait until the leak becomes worse.


Roof issues account for 39 percent of homeowner insurance claims, according to the National Roof Certification and Inspection Association. Check your homeowner’s policy every year to ensure that your coverage is current and that serious roof damage will be covered.

Roof replacements due to normal wear and tear or age are not covered. If you suffer interior damage due to your old roof, like water damage caused by a leaky roofing system, you may still be covered for the cost of repairs, even if your roof needs replacing.

With regular maintenance and roof inspections, you can be sure that the roof will provide protection for your family and home throughout its expected lifetime and beyond. The more you understand about your roof, and how to maintain it, the better it will protect you.

Call Restoration Roofing TX now if you need the help of an expert roofing contractor.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about roofing services.

Restoration Roofing TX
Keller, TX 76248

Fort Worth, TX

Serving: Fort WorthKeller TexasArlington TexasDenton CountyTarrant County

Best Types of Shingles For Your Roof?

Texas weather can be extreme. Weather can cause significant damage to your roof over time. It is therefore important to use shingles that can withstand Texas’s elements.

It is costly to install a new roof, so selecting the right type is good for both your wallet and home investment. The best shingles for Texas homeowners are listed below.

Best Shingles For Texas

1 – Asphalt

Asphalt shingles can be a good addition to any home. They are affordable and versatile. Asphalt shingles come in two different types: fiberglass and organic. Both materials, although different, go through the exact same manufacturing process.

Fiberglass shingles are made of hot asphalt, crushed stone, or other granulated materials. Organic asphalt is also better at protecting against fire.

Due to its accessibility, speed of installation, and durability, fiberglass is the most popular choice. Asphalt roofs can last for up to 20 years if installed properly.

2 – Metal

In recent years, Texas residents have been subjected to damaging winds and large hail. A metal roof is the best choice for Texas homeowners. This type of roof can be made from either aluminum or copper.

Metal is not only durable, but it can also absorb heat and sunlight. Metal roofs are a good investment because they help regulate the temperature in the house.

Metal roofs do not have to look like metallic roofs. The technology of roofing has advanced so much that you no longer have to be stuck with a grey-colored roof. Metal roofs are available in many colors and styles, so you can customize your roof to look exactly the way you like it. Ask your roofing contractor about the options available in your area.

3 – Concrete Tiles

Concrete tiles are low-maintenance, affordable, and easy to maintain. They’re a great option for Texan homeowners. Concrete tiles are heavy, which can be a problem for homeowners who are not equipped to handle their weight.

They take some time to warm up but cool quickly. The tiles help to keep the house cool, which in turn helps reduce utility costs. Concrete tiles are another low-maintenance option that is durable and can withstand extreme weather conditions and heat.

The tiles come in many colors and styles, which can make your home stand out from the crowd.

4 – Slate

Slate roofs are the highest-quality material, but they can also be the most expensive. They can last up to 50 years. Slate is a quarried material, meaning that it is a natural and environmentally friendly product. Slate is a rock and can weigh as much on a roof as tiles. Consult a roofing contractor in Fort Worth TX to determine if the roof can handle the weight.

A slate roof may be within your budget. A slate roof costs on average around $9,000 The cost of this type of roof may be high, but it is a worthwhile investment.

Are you unsure where to begin when replacing the shingles on your roof? Call Restoration Roofing TX now.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about roofing services.

Restoration Roofing TX
Keller, TX 76248

Fort Worth, TX

Serving: Fort WorthKeller TexasArlington TexasDenton CountyTarrant County

Tips to Increase the Lifespan of Your Asphalt Shingle Roof

It was a costly investment. It makes sense that you want to make the most of your investment. There are many cases in which the lifespan of an asphalt shingle roofing system is reduced. While the lifespan of an asphalt shingle roof can be limited, it can be extended in order to maximize your investment.

Restoration Roofing TX has been helping homeowners maximize their roof investments for over 30 years. To help you extend the life of your asphalt shingle roofing, I will give you some tips.

The following five tips will help you maximize the return on your asphalt roofing investment.

  • Assure that your attic is properly ventilated
  • Trim tree branches and limbs
  • Keep your roof and gutters free of debris
  • Roof inspections should be performed annually
  • Do not pressure wash your roof in order to remove moss or algae

1. Make sure that your attic is properly ventilated

Attic ventilation is one of the best ways to maximize your asphalt shingle roofing’s life expectancy. The ventilation system in your attic allows both your roof and home to breathe.

This has a major impact on the lifespan of your asphalt shingle roofing system and your house in general. If you used a reputable contractor to install your roof, then you should have enough vents.

If you do not have enough ventilation in your attic, trapped air can drastically reduce the life of your roof. Heat builds up in the attic during the summer. This causes your roof to be burned by the hot air, causing the decking adhesives to degrade and the shingles to curl or crack.

The heat and moisture in the attic of your home can cause condensation to build up on your roof decking. The trapped condensation causes your roof decking’s ability to support nails to be compromised, as well as its load-bearing capability and mold/mildew.

2. Trim tree branches and limbs

Trimming back trees that are close to or overhanging your roof will extend the life of your asphalt shingles. Bird droppings on asphalt shingles are the first thing you should be concerned about when there are tree limbs hanging over your roof.

The constant presence of bird droppings on an asphalt roof can reduce its lifespan. They are acidic, and they eat through the asphalt shingles. Next, you need to be concerned about the branches and limbs that hang over the roof.

The top layer of your roof is eroded by overhanging tree branches. This happens because they allow water to drip constantly every time it rains. Also, you have to consider the possibility of leaves, sticks and other debris falling from tree branches onto your roof.

It will prevent drainage and cause water to flow in the wrong direction until it finds its way into your home. You don’t want to have to deal with a falling tree branch on your roof.

If they are large enough, falling limbs can cause structural damage and even damage to your asphalt shingles. You don’t have to cut down the tree in order to extend the life of your asphalt shingle roofing.

Keep your tree branches as short as possible to avoid the majority of these problems.

roof-Fort-Worth-TX-2-300x228.jpg3. Keep your roof and gutters free of debris

Thirdly, keep your gutters clear and your roof free of debris to prolong the life of your asphalt shingle roofing. The gutters are responsible for directing water after it leaves the roof. However, a blockage of debris will prevent them from draining properly.

If you leave it too long, this can lead to gutters overflowing, which, if not addressed, will cause rot on the roof decking. This can also cause cracks in the foundation of your home and wash out areas near it.

You should also keep your roof free of debris. I mentioned it in the previous section. The accumulation of debris on the roof can create a dam that prevents water from flowing properly.

You should also be concerned about the effects of having wet debris on your roof over a long period of time. Sitting debris can saturate your asphalt shingles, reducing their lifespan.

The more you leave the wet debris to sit, the greater the damage done to your asphalt shingles. The next method will help you to do this regularly.

4. Roof inspections should be performed annually

You need to perform regular maintenance on your car, such as changing the oil and performing other general repairs. Roof maintenance is one of the most effective ways to prolong your asphalt shingle roofing’s life.

It is important to perform regular roof maintenance on your asphalt shingle roofing system in order to detect potential problems and prevent leaks from occurring. Roof maintenance is essential to prevent a small issue from snowballing into a costly, expensive repair.

Roof maintenance also gives you the chance to perform the other tasks we have discussed, such as clearing your roof from debris and trimming tree branches. If you want to extend the life of your asphalt shingle roofing, I suggest getting maintenance done at least once per year.

You should know that many roofing contractors provide a maintenance plan to keep you up-to-date with your annual inspections. These programs are usually accompanied by other benefits to sweeten the deal.

5. Do not pressure wash your roof in order to remove moss and algae

As your asphalt shingle roofing ages, it becomes dirty with bird droppings, algae, and moss. Some homeowners decide to have their roofs cleaned.

Pressure washers are the most common way to clean a roof. Although pressure washing is a good idea for cleaning the exterior of your home, it’s not advisable to use it on asphalt shingle roofing.

The granules that protect your asphalt shingles are blown off by pressure washing. This will shorten the lifespan of your asphalt roof shingles and speed up the time for roof replacement.

Pressure-washing asphalt shingles can reduce their life expectancy and void your roof warranty. Find a roof cleaning company that is specialized in soft washing.

When is it time to replace the asphalt shingle on your roof?

Now you know how to prolong the life of your asphalt shingle roofing. These tips will help you get the most from your investment.

These things can extend the roof’s lifespan but shouldn’t be done to delay a replacement. If your roof is nearing the end of its lifespan, you won’t be able to avoid the need for replacement.

Waiting too long can lead to costly problems. I know that most homeowners would rather avoid the expense of a new roof.

If you want a roof replacement, then you will need to replace it. You should determine whether you want to replace your asphalt-shingle roof or try to prolong its life. Call Restoration Roofing TX now.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about roofing services.

Restoration Roofing TX
Keller, TX 76248

Fort Worth, TX

Serving: Fort WorthKeller TexasArlington TexasDenton CountyTarrant County

How to Check a Roof When Buying a Home

You want to ensure that your roof is strong when you are considering buying a home. You should inspect the roof as it is one of your most valuable assets.

Let’s look at the top factors you should look for when buying a home, whether you are looking to sell or buy.

Find out how old the roof is

When you are looking for a home to buy, the first thing that you should do is inspect its roof. Take a step back and inspect a few things.

It is important to verify that the roof is mold-free. Check that the roofing system is flat and free of bulges or curly edges.

Check for worn spots and look for missing shingles. This is a sign that your roof is old. Although there are no problems with an old roof, you should ensure that it hasn’t been damaged in any way.

Ask the homeowner about the roof’s lifespan. Roofs can be made of metal, cedar, cedar, rubber, or composite materials. Composite shingles are more durable than other materials and can last longer without any problems. However, maintenance may be required for some common materials such as metal or rubber roofs.

Good ventilation system

Even though the house you are considering buying may have a new roof, it may not have adequate ventilation. This could lead to serious problems.

It is essential to have a ventilation system that allows sunlight and air in easily. These are two essential aspects that should not be overlooked when buying a house.

Poor ventilation can lead to a variety of problems. This not only increases the cost of the building, but also causes mold growth.

Canals and Seepage Systems

You should inspect drainage pipes running along the roof. It is a great way of assessing the condition of a roof. It is best to have experts inspect your roof. You can also be careful if it is something you want to do yourself.

A seepage system includes downspouts as well as gutters and drainage pipes. Check the gutters for asphalt shingle grains. These small grains protect the shingles against the sun’s destructive beams by covering them with asphalt shingle grains.

Be on the lookout for leaks and breaks

Roof leaks can cause serious damage to the structure and floors of a house. These are a source of distress and pain for residents.

Leakage can cause damage to your furniture and paint on walls. It can be very frustrating to find the source of the leak once it has started. Sometimes the leak is not where it seems.

Most leakage occurs in valleys, plumbing outlets, chimneys or when it rains heavily. Professional roofers are needed to locate and fix a leak.

Before you purchase a roof, make sure it is inspected for any leaks. You might even have to inspect the valleys or smoke chimneys. Rooftop creases can leak. You should also inspect these areas.

Mold on the Roof

Mold can be found in many colors, including black, green, dark and white. Some molds can be seen because they are severe or rotten. Others are hidden and cannot be easily identified.

Mold can grow between walls, under floors, roofs, and other places. Mold thrives in damp materials, such as roofs with water pipes or gutter systems. Molds can cause damage to the walls and paint. Poor ventilation and water leakage are the main causes of mold growth. It is more common in hotter areas.

Water intrusion from the roof is one of the main reasons for a moldy roof. It is common for people to see the mold and then forget about the source. If the leak is not fixed, mold will return to the same place. The water collects in the house and absorbs it. Water can also collect inside walls. This causes further damage and other problems later.

Mold on your roof is a problem for your home. Mold on the roof can not only ruin the appearance of your home, but it can also cause bad odors that can make living difficult. There are also health risks.

Leakage and mold must be investigated in smaller gaps, especially on rooftops. An infrared camera is used by many home professionals to accomplish this task. If you are concerned about mold, you should hire professional roofing contractors Fort Worth TX to remove it before you move into your new home.

Take a look at the Rooftop Downspouts

You should do a quick check to make sure that stormwater wells are being fed by rooftop downpipes. Look for past flooding or excessive water flow around rooftop downspouts. This could indicate that soak wells may not be the right size or require cleaning, which can lead to high costs.

When buying a home, it is crucial to exercise caution. It is a good idea to hire a professional inspector to inspect your home and provide you with a report. To avoid any problems, you should also make repairs before you move into your new home.

Call Restoration Roofing TX now if you need help fixing your roof.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about roofing services.

Restoration Roofing TX
Keller, TX 76248

Fort Worth, TX

Serving: Fort WorthKeller TexasArlington TexasDenton CountyTarrant County